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Under the direction of the Good Shepherd Catholic Parish Pastor and the Parish Administrator, the Bethlehem Center and it's services operate as a critical part of the mission of the Catholic Church in Visalia.  Each year our small team of paid staff and volunteers and groups help to serve over 7,000 meals each month, 18,000 Food Pantry boxes, nearly 10,000 clothing items to the homeless with children and family, and over 360,000 pounds of food and food products.

Without their dedication and your generous corporate and personal support, we would not carryout the mission of the Bethlehem Center with its resources, food pantry and meal services.  May God bless you and you continue to support this critical mission for our great city.


Henry Medina


Jaime Barrera

Head Cook

Bertha Perez

Store Lead

Ben Sanchez

Food Pantry

Patricia McPhearson

Assistant Cook

Advisory Board

Advisory Board Members:

Patrick Lozano, Chair

Ken Hernandez, Vice Chair

Cindy Hill, Secretary

Henry Medina, Treasurer

Steve Lansdowne

Mike Leoni

Tony Carrillo

Bill Evans

Tony Salierno

Bill Cummings

Rev. Fr, Alex Chavez, Pastor, Good Shepherd Catholic Parish

Updated 10/01/2020

Our Location

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